Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's Hip To Be ... Sore?

Spring is in the air. (Along with a few snow flurries! But that's what March in Wisconsin is.) That means it's time to get outside, up the distance a little, break out the road bike.

But wait.

Make sure you're ready for the increase in output BEFORE you hit it too hard.

New Runner checked in last week with frustrating news. She's battling a hip flexor issue and is in physical therapy. Also had to cut back on her total weekly mileage until they get it worked out.

The good news is that her attitude is right on. She knows it's a little setback, but that she'll work through it and keep moving forward.

Her update served as a good reminder for me, too. I'd been a bit lax on my own hip exercises over the winter, and now that I am starting to increase my miles, I was feeling some soreness that I chose to ignore.

Ignore no more. Hello clamshells and leg lifts! I was completely shocked at just how weak those muscles were. I was plenty sore the first few sessions, but am now almost able to get through the normal set without stopping.

Remember ... the best way to treat an injury is to PREVENT an injury.

Here are some suggested hip strengthening exercises:

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