Thursday, March 27, 2014

You Look Exhausted

I swear to all that is holy, I'm going to come unglued the next time it happens.

I'm just going to lose it. 

And the poor unsuspecting person on the other end of my tirade is going to wonder what the hell happened. 

I don't think it's intended to be rude. Or unkind. Or insulting. And yet it IS. 

"Boy, you look exhausted!" 


The sentiment that punches me square in the gut. 

Sometimes it's delivered with empathy and gentleness in the voice, "You look so tired ..." Sometimes it comes with a little surprise, "Wow! You look tired!"

But it ALWAYS hits me the wrong way. 

How do you not understand that you're saying, "Boy, you look like shit."

So then I have to try and decipher what you're really saying. The options aren't great. You think I look old? Old = tired. You think I have big, black circles under my eyes? Yes, yes I do. Always have. Always will. They match the set my dad had and there's just not much I can do about that little blessing of genetics. You think my eyelids look heavy? Maybe they are. But again, it's just DNA ... what'cha gonna do?) 

I have honestly had people ask me if I'm awake as I plug away at my computer.

The truth of the matter is that nine times out of 10, I'm not tired. I generally get enough sleep and I usually feel pretty good. I eat pretty well. I exercise a fair amount. My outlook on life is decent ... I don't frown all of the time. 

For heaven's sake, I have even tried the "magic-cream-that-costs-$50-for-a-1/2 oz. tube." AND, I moisturize morning and night. 

It could just be the price of getting old. Or of not wearing make up. (But this happens even when I DO muster the energy for a little foundation.)

At this point, I'm thinking of taking up cigarette smoking so my skin can look really awful for a while, and then quit ... so I look refreshed in comparison. 

What is the point of getting my act together to be healthier when this is how the world perceives me? 

Looking for a magic bullet, CCland. Got any suggestions? 

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