Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My New Favorite Position

I'm loving my new workspace. And it's not because I have a full wall of widows. It's not because of the cheerful orange wall. It's not even the snazzy, ergonomically fantastic neon green chair.

It's the adjustable desk.

And by adjustable, I mean I can sit and work like a normal person ... or I can stand. It's essentially a tabletop with an "up" button and a "down" button that raises and lowers my monitors and keyboard to the exact right height for me.

I love to stand! It's my new favorite working position!

I don't stand all the time, but I bet I am upright nearly 75% of the time. I feel like I get more done because it's just a more active, less passive position. I feel like my butt isn't spreading out in my jeans as I fill the seat of the snazzy green chair. And I feel less tired, less like a slug who sat on my tush for 8+ hours, when the day is done.

It does present a different problem, though. I can't wear cute, high heeled shoes and expect to stand all day. And, for that very reason, I keep a pair of my old running shoes at my desk, to slip on when I plan on standing for a longer stretch.

To make things even better, when I get tired of standing, I even have an option beyond the snazzy green chair. I have one of these:

Mine is purple! The bottom of the stool is rounded, so you wobble on it. Sitting requires a little core work by default ... and good posture.

Both of these are examples of "accidental" exercise. I'm not sure either is enough to offset the enormous quantity of Rolos and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups I'm eating from the ever-full candy bowl on the front desk or the Tootsie Roll Midgies found in the kitchen.

But at least it's something.

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