Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Paleo by Accident?

I'm on a mission.

We're eating out of the freezer until we run out of things to eat.

It might be the early onset of spring cleaning setting in or something. I can no longer stand the jam-packed appliance.

When we moved into this house, we opted for a side-by-side fridge/freezer combo because I thought it would provide me with better, more usable space than any other kind. I believed that more compartments, many shelves vs. one big drawer, would allow me to organize myself. Veggies in that spot, poultry in that one, ice cream there.

However, real life didn't work out that way. I'm a total pack rat and I've got Ziploc bags with leftover chicken in every orifice in that baby.

And taco ground turkey. Chipotles in adobo. Homemade spaghetti sauce. Bits of ham and turkey lunch meat that comes from the end of the package ... if we don't finish it all before it's going to expire, I cut it up and keep adding it to one bag to use on salads. A random package of veggie burgers. And edamame. Lots of edamame for some strange reason.

I've got quite a bit of frozen fish, too. Some wild turkey (not the alcohol kind). More protein than anything else.

Mealtimes are going to get interesting.

Salmon with a side of bacon. Pork tenderloin with dried out Thanksgiving turkey. Tuna steaks with Italian beef.

Hello, Paleo?

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