Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I Keep Trying ...

These are things I keep trying to do, or not do, because I know that changing my behavior is healthier for me. But so far, I haven't been successful:

I keep trying to eat oatmeal. I have it a few times a month. I don't like it. Even if I add nuts and brown sugar and raisins. I've tried the Overnight Oats recipes. I've added peanut butter and jelly. I guess it's OK in cookie form, but that seems to defeat the purpose.

I keep trying to cut out Cherry Coke Zero and pretzels. Today I had four cans and about 10 pretzels. I may never win this battle.

I keep trying to make sure I get three strength workouts in per week. I almost always get two in. That third one often doesn't happen.

I keep trying to do something besides sit on the couch and pound away at the computer after dinner. But here I am. Pounding.

I keep trying to not snack after 8 p.m. I bet I sneak a little something 4 or 5 days a week.

I keep trying to drink more water. Truth is, I don't like water. I don't like mix-ins. I like Cherry Coke Zero. And Diet Coke. (And Southern Comfort!)

I keep trying to get 8 full hours of sleep at night. The problem is that my favorite TV is at 10 p.m. ... Jon Stewart. Which leads to Steven Colbert. And then it's a mere 6 hours before the alarm and I'm screwed.

The most important part of this? I keep trying.

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