Saturday, April 5, 2014

The One Day C25K Program

Drumroll, please ...


Dreaded Head Cold did its best to defeat me. Held me down, punched me in the face, put a boot on my neck, kicked me in the kidneys ... but DHC did not win.

OK, that's a bit dramatic. But it really was a doozy. I spent the week not working out, eating very poorly and sleeping a lot. 

A lot. 

So today I was a bit nervous to hit the pavement. Not sure what I could do. After a week of doing absolutely nothing, it's always a little worrisome to see what your body is willing to give. 

Let's just say I didn't set any speed records. 

But with the help of the glorious sunshine, I got about 4 miles in. And it felt really good. 

Literally, Couch to 5K. In a day. 

I am going to tell you this until you believe it: You are stronger than you know you are. Believe you can do it. Because you can.

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