Monday, April 14, 2014

Outrunning the Voices in My Head

Oh, Sunday.

The day I was looking forward to and the day I dreaded just a little.

I knew I had to get back on track Sunday if I had any hope of getting a half and full marathon in this summer. Not because I don't have time to train, but because my head is playing all sorts of tricks on me and I knew I had to get through a whole pile of fear and doubt or I may never get back on the horse.

Last weekend, after the week of being sick, I did 4 miles on Saturday and about 6.5 on Sunday. I paid for it dearly on Monday. I was sore and stiff and my knees were not happy.

The week brought a more normal routine:
Monday: 60-minute strength
Tuesday: 45-minute bike
Wednesday: 4-mile run
Thursday: 45-minute bike with strength intervals
Friday: 4-mile fast run
Saturday: 1-hour RIPPED class and about a 1.5-mile walk to breakfast

Which left me set up for the challenge of Sunday's long run, with a goal of 8 miles.

Long before dawn, I woke up sore from RIPPED. I woke up early because my knees hurt. I woke up to a very small window of no rain. I woke up to wanting to skip the whole thing.

Then I put on my Wonder Woman panties and hit the road.

It might have been the toughest 8 miles I have ever done.

I walked three times. Twice to text my sister ... just a few steps each time. And once up the nasty hill on my usual route, probably a tenth of a mile. (Which was, of course, when my neighbor drove past and waved. Busted.)

In the end, it's done. I got it done. I mapped it when I got home and it's really closer to 9 miles than 8, and I felt every blessed step Sunday afternoon and I'm still stiff and sore today.

But I beat the doubter in my head. She couldn't keep up.


Amber said...

What day is your rest day?

Amber said...

What day is your rest day?

Amber said...

What day is your rest day?

Miss Daisy said...

I count my Monday Strength Day and bike days as rest. Rest for my knees. I do sometimes make Monday or Friday complete rest days. But with the way I've been eating lately (she says after a handful of jelly beans), I skip rest days.