Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fa La La La Landmines

Boy, it's hard to eat right this time of year.

Between team celebrations at work, holiday dinner out with neighbors, family events, the countless piles of cookies and chocolate that pop up everywhere ... ugh.

I know I don't HAVE to munch on the chocolate covered strawberries that arrive on my desk. I am fully aware that the pizza restaurant HAS salad. I am capable of simply making that damn caramel Chex mix and giving it away WITHOUT eating any of it.

But it sucks you in. Just a bite. Just a taste. Just one.

Some days it feels like a hopeless battle. And, honestly, some days it is.

Fight back! Play defense. Here are a few ways I do:

When I took one work team out for holiday breakfast, I chose IHop because I know they have egg beaters and turkey bacon. When I took another team out for lunch, I chose Panara Bread because they offer all-veg options and show the calorie count on the posted menu. At last Saturday's pizza buffet restaurant, I ate two pieces of pizza (and enjoyed every bite!), but loaded up on the salad first so I didn't stuff five pieces in my face as my belly filled up.

And I upped my walking. Just a little, but enough to make me feel like I was controlling the playing field a bit.

Every little bit helps. Small decisions add up. You have to be practical and know you probably aren't going to be perfect. But you can do a pretty good job if you plan a little on the front end.

Now, if someone would just come get this blessed Chex mix off my counter ...

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