Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Marathons are for Chumps

I talked to a guy at work today who runs long distance races for fun. Trail races ... which means they take place on trails. As in, uneven terrain and hills and stumps and roots and rocks. Not on a shiny smooth road.

And they go for 40 miles.

That's 4-0.

Not some wimpy 26.2 like those lightweight marathoners do. He runs for more than 9 hours in a row. I find this insane.

I'm lucky to do 25 miles in a week. And I'm walking.

I guess I get the desire to do it one time. I can imagine the adrenalin rush. I think it would be so very cool to be able to walk around, casually letting it slip into conversation that you ran a 40-mile race. But after that ... I just don't get it.

Here's the kicker: he's training for both a 50- and 60-mile race in 2011.

Suddenly, 3 miles on weekdays and 5 miles on weekends doesn't seem like such a big deal. Or even that difficult.

How's that for inspiration?

1 comment:

martykc said...

Thats just crazy talk. What kind of NUT runs 40 miles? There must be alcohol involved....