Friday, March 4, 2011


After my totally surprising no-weight-gain vacation, I've been doing some experimenting.

While I was gone, I thought that what I ate would have a bigger impact than it did. Yes, I still worked out a fair amount ... but it sure seemed like I should have gained something. (I'm not complaining, mind you!)

So for the past two weeks, I've been playing around with what I've been eating. I've added a fruit serving to my breakfast. I've peppered in some carbs (pretzels) to my lunch. I've even added some volume (usually in the form of vegetables) at dinner time.

And, it seems like I'm losing more faster.

Now, it could still be a hydration thing. I'm also helping Jim in the basement sporadically during a few evenings a week. And it's not like I'm losing a lot fast. Last week was fairly stable, wavering up and down two pounds over the 7 days. This week, I have lost another two.

Maybe I wasn't eating enough or the right things at the right times. Surely it's time for a trip to the nutritionist to know for sure. But just maybe it's good to switch things up every now and again.

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