Sunday, March 20, 2011

You Inspire Me!

I have heard from a few of you in the past few weeks. Or I've heard about you, if you're too shy to speak up right now. (And trust me, I totally get that!).

What I've heard is that you're being successful. You've made some small changes. Some bigger changes. Some changes in the way you think and in the way you act.

"WINNING!" as Charlie Sheen would say, but without all the crack, I hope.

So it feels like it's time to let you in on a little secret.

What you might not know is how much I get out of this whole process. I love that you are finding your own path and making your own story.

Your experiences and our thoughtful discussions make me want to do better and be better and stay better. You help keep me honest with myself. So you are now part of my success.

Thank you.

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