Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hang In There, Baby

If you're old enough, you remember that "famous" poster from the 70's with the cat hanging from a branch or something. It was an orange and white striped kitten, if my memory serves me, and the background was green. I can see it hanging on the rec room wall of my first babysitter's house. She was a cool teenager and I was still years away from that groovy concept.

I was reminded of it today when my Apple Tree Confidant texted me early in the a.m. I could tell she was feeling some frustration.

Apparently, she lost a pound. Her dismay was that it was "only" a pound. "That's not enough to keep me motivated," she said.

Back up the truck, Chuck.

Losing a pound is a BIG deal. Losing a pound is a step in the right direction. Losing pounds, one at a time, is how you get where you want to go.

I understand what she's feeling. We want it to come off faster. We want the hard work to pay off with big rewards.

But the truth is it came on one pound at a time and it will come off the same way. Marathon, not sprint.

When you start in on your program, when you change the way you eat and you change the way you move, it takes your body a little while to figure out what the hell you're doing to it. Some weeks it rewards you with two pounds gone or maybe even three. But some weeks, it hangs on to them all, no matter what you do.

It doesn't matter!!!!

You're making the choice to be healthier. And you're watching what you're eating. And you're exercising. You are making choices that are good for you.

THAT's the "win." Celebrate that.

The pounds will follow. But the important part is that you know what's right and you're doing it.

Believe you can do it. Because you can.

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