Monday, October 17, 2011

Sitting Not So Pretty

So there I am. In a conference room. With swiveling black vinyl chairs. And, I'm in a skirt. With bare legs. In a meeting with just four people.

I go to recross my legs. First the uncross, then the one on the bottom starts to swing over the top of the other and ...


The air between my legs and the chair makes a gawd-awful and embarrassing-as-if-it-came-from-another-orifice sound.

A very loud sound.

It's all I can do to not crack up. Is there any point in explaining what it was?

What would you do?


marthamac said...

What DID you do??? Laugh? Cry? Explain what you had for dinner the night before??? OMGOSH!!! I guess, I'd try to look somewhat adorable, and squeak out a teeny, "Excuse me."
Wow...I can't wait to hear what you said.

Miss Daisy said...

It was a horrible combination of the chair covering, my skirt length and the slightly loose skin on my legs. The first time it rippled out, I bit the inside of my cheeks and tried not to laugh, hoping if anyone heard it, they'd be polite and not pause. The second time it happened, the room was louder ... more conversation happening ... so I got a pass. But then I was trying to figure out exactly WHAT I was doing that was causing this. The third time came about as I expiramented with the way I was moving. By the fourth time, I just blurted, "Just so you know. That noise is not what it sounds like. I've been trying to figure out how to stop it from happening when I move, but I can't seem to."

Thankfully, everyone laughed.

marthamac said...

Sounds like a classy comment/solution to a very embarrassing situation. I would have died!!! You crack me up!