Monday, May 14, 2012

Frenzied Food Fanatic

There are times when I get to this point in the day and I start to go over everything I ate so far and I'm horrified.

Do you have these days, too?

I get in these moods where I just literally can't stop eating. Sunday, I woke up and had some fruit. Then some hummus and chips. Then some grapes. Then a handful of cereal. Then some more grapes. I went for a bike ride to get myself out of the house and away from the food. But upon my return, I had a pretzel. And a soda. And some more grapes. And some more hummus and chips. And a corner slice of pizza.

This is before 11 a.m., mind you.

We headed out the door to my mom's and the fun continued. Chex mix. peanuts, fake crab, Flamin' Hot Cheetos, steak, potatoes, asparagus, lemon bars, Rice Krispie squares, cantaloupe, chocolate covered strawberries ...


I bet I didn't go 15 minutes without stuffing something in my face. It's freaking ridiculous.

I hate the feeling of being sort of out of control.

I get possessed by the desire to chew. And swallow. And taste. And I keep shoving it in, as if I'm going on a death march and I need to pack in as many calories as possible because I'm not sure when my next meal will be coming.

Even in the middle of it, I'm logically saying, "Stop!" inside my head. But there are days it seems like I can't.

"Maintain" is still eluding me.

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