Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lisa Pizza

Miss Daisy has an Uncle Lyle who is not REALLY her uncle, but might as well be. He gave her the pizza nickname, just because it rhymed, I believe. I've been thinking a lot about pizza lately (and Uncle Lyle, too ...) and thought I'd work it out here.

Pizza was one of those things we just Did. Not. Eat. while we were in the hardcore losing phase. It was simply easier to avoid it altogether. I knew I was not one of those people who could confidently eat one reasonable slice, light on the cheese, and enjoy a big salad alongside. No way, no how. Who eats one modest and slender slice of pizza? I've never seen it done and I dare to say it can't be done my mere mortals.

But now that my eating is more flexible, more lenient, more tolerant, I am finding pizza to be a welcomed return guest.

Sure, there are lots of ways to make pizza healthier. You can mix and match ingredients all day long. Tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, enchilada sauce, pesto or olive tapanade? Thin whole wheat crust, toasted pita or tortilla? Mozzarella, Laughing Cow Light, queso fresco? Mushrooms, peppers, olives, chicken, ground turkey, onions, zucchini, artichoke hearts ... you get the idea.

Here's a couple of my skinny pizza recipes:

In the past few months, I have probably eaten 'za five times. And I really look forward to it. In fact, I obsess a little about it ... counting down the days until I'm scheduled to imbibe. Planning the next visit.

As with any not-so-figure-friendly food, I know that if I plan for it, I can enjoy it ... in moderation. If I literally sit down and actively think about how I'm going to eat it (what toppings, how many pieces, what could I eat with it, how should I plan for leftovers and when I'll eat those), I feel more in control and don't just jump in and wipe out the whole pie in a eating frenzy.

Last night, we went to a pizza restaurant. I ordered the baked fish, knowing Jim was getting pizza. After eating my vegetables and fish, I did "sneak" a corner piece. And today I raided the fridge for another piece at lunchtime. Now I'm satisfied.

And, already planning the next two trips (to the new Tilly's in Beloit and the new Romano's in Janesville).

Buon appetito!

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