Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's Like Childbirth?

OK, you all know I've never birthed my own baby, so I really have no point of reference for childbirth. Therefore, the title of this post is a little tongue-in-cheek.

But, I think I'm having a childbirth-like moment, post half-marathon, in that I've already sort of forgotten the "pain" and stress and worry and am now trying to figure out what I want to do next and how I'm going to do it.

(And yes, I still haven't run or walked a step since I crossed the finish line.)

I'm discovering that the sense of accomplishment is addicting and the endorphins are still flowing.

I've heard that the first big race is about finishing ... learning how to eat and how to pace and how to handle the start line. How to pass someone and how to get passed. How it feels to push and how it feels to finish. How to get your head in the right place.

Pre-race me thought that once all the hoopla was over, I'd be satisfied ... and "done." Happy to leave the self-inflicted pressure behind, not wanting to jump right back into the fire.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure that's the case. My brain is spinning.

What if I had done this vs. that? How much time could I shave off? How could I finish stronger? How many weeks before I could do it again? If I'm already at 13 miles, what would it take to go 26? Why wait a while and start over ... wouldn't it be more efficient to build from here? Could I even do that? Am I ready to commit that kind of time?

Logical-me reminds endorphin-high-me that I was so ready to be "done" before this race. What the hell am I thinking?

So, moms. Is this what it's like? You forget the bad stuff because the good stuff is so overpowering?

No doubt that your brain is the most amazing muscle!

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