Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pre-Race Checklist

I don't know if anyone even cares, but in my effort to give you a guidebook to YOUR first half marathon, here's where I am this morning. 
  • Suitcase packed last night. Two of everything: running tights, sleeveless shirts, short-sleeve shirts, long sleeve shirts, socks (OK three of those), bondi bands, underwear and a random sports bra, just in case. Also tossed in a pair of gloves and windbreaker. 
  • I did a little reading online about running in the rain. They suggested a garbage bag, baseball hat and and extra pair of running shoes. The garbage bag is to keep you dry as you wait for the start. The same is true for the shoes. If it's raining, I'll wear the old ones to the race and change into the dry, new ones just before we take off. The baseball hat is for during the race ... keeps the water out of your eyes. So hoping I don't need it.
  • Food bag packed. For a simple overnight I have probably overdone it, but I don't know what to expect exactly, so I'm preparing for any scenario. I've included pretzels, shredded wheat, rice cakes, bagel thins, peanut butter, wasabi peas, carrots, grapes, magic beans/gummy supplements, water and Cherry Coke Zero. 
  • I have also tossed in the point-and-shoot camera (because it's the one Jim can operate), phone and iPod. 
  • Debating on taking my pillow. But probably won't. 
  • Taking a backpack for Jim to tote with dry clothes and water ... and chocolate.
  • This morning, I woke up close to race time to get in the groove. Then I leashed up my dog and the two of us went for a short 3 mile run at an easy pace to test out the temperature and clothes selection. I have never run with my dog before. But at 10 years old, and on arthritis medicine, I knew she couldn't go far and she'd keep me from running longer than I should. She petered out about 1.5 miles in and I learned that sleeveless and long tights will do the trick. 
  • Breakfast heavy on carbs ... bagel and peanut butter and whole grain cereal. 
  • I'm also hydrating a little extra today, as I've been trying to all week long. 
  • My only other concern, and it's gross, so don't read if you don't want to, is pooping before the race. So everything I do from here until tomorrow morning, will be done with that in mind. I REALLY don't want to use a port-a-potty at the staging area if I can help it and I also don't want to have to pull over to take care of this on the course. If that goes well tomorrow morning, I'm in good shape. 
I'll talk to you from the other side. Have a great day! 

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