Wednesday, May 30, 2012


OK, today was a better day than yesterday and I'm not feeling quite so defeated. Just goes to show you to not give in or give up when the mood strikes. 

And, it has also reminded me of the power of a habit. Good and bad. 

I have not been in the habit of running every day. When I was actively training for the half, I had to get longer runs in. Longer runs meant less frequent runs because my knees couldn't take it. So I got used to running every other day. 

I need to re-start the habit of cardio every day. 

I also got in the habit of not eating so great over the past few months ... mostly because I didn't have to! The effort of putting in all those miles had a side benefit. 

I need to stop the habit of eating sloppy. 

(And, for the record, today I ate approximately 100 Tootsie Rolls, so I didn't do so well.)

"They" say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Guess I've got a few weeks to go. 

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