Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Hill Workout

My new workout involves a hill -- albeit figurative -- to climb.

GaryAllenFan unknowingly inspired me today to go our on-site clinic and talk to the physician's assistant. You see, GAF is battling her own issues and, because she's smarter than me, decided to jump in and take care of it toot suite. (And I haven't heard the outcome, but I hope it was good!)

Spurred by her "git 'r done" attitude, I called for my own appointment.

I left with a bottle of 800mg ibuprofen, strict orders of no running/no biking and hip icing at every possible opportunity ... and a diagnosis of bursitis.

Doesn't that word sound positively geriatric?

A very quick web search showed me that lots of people have this. It can come and go or it can come and stay. It can require cortisone shots or draining of the extra fluid.

In other words, it's not going to kill me. But it's also likely to be a literal pain in the ass for the rest of my life. And it's going to put a stop to my running for another week at least. Or more.

And that's the part that scares me. I actually cried on the way home today at the thought of not running. I simply can't imagine my life at this point without it.

I'm sure I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. Injuries are simply part of the process and each little one is not the end of the world.

But to err on the side of caution, I'm going to schedule a chiropractic appointment and a sports med appointment for next week if possible just in case another week off doesn't seem to matter.


HR GIRL said...

Be careful and follow the doctor's orders. I ended up getting bursitis in both ankles in college and because I did not listen to restrictions, I ended up on crutches for almost a whole summer.

Anonymous said...

I have bursitis in my hip. Ive had it for 12 years or so. From my experience, just take it easy, ice and ibuprofen and it'll go away. It'll re-surface every once in awhile but it isn't awful. Rest up, you'll be back at it soon!-Amber

Miss Daisy said...

Chiropractor appointment made for tomorrow. I have never been to one, nor do I think they work. (I also don't think aspirin/pain relievers work and don't believe in germs ... so this is not a slam against any particular type of medical professional. I think you get sick because you go to bed with a wet head and you feel better after taking a pill becuase your brain tells you that you should.) I'll keep you posted.