Monday, November 26, 2012

All Out of Whack

Time for some honesty. 

I'm struggling. 

I have put on some pounds. I'm eating like a crazy person. My exercise routine is anything but ... hit or miss at best. 

And it's messing with my head. 

The more out of whack I get, the harder it is to get back in a groove. I know I need to make a schedule and stick to it. I know I need to eat on program and stop nibbling all the damn time. I know it's up to me and only me to make these things happen ... and when I do, I will feel so much better about everything. 

I'm still battling injury ... the hip injection worked, but then my knees started in. So I've been trying to run/walk only every other day. I've started riding my bike in the basement, but I don't have a great routine down yet and I'm not sure if I'm pushing myself hard enough. I have been swimming twice a week minimum,  but I'm not sure that's enough. I've stopped weighing myself every day. I'm afraid to because the news isn't always good. I hear this voice in my head that says it's OK to buy a small bag of M&Ms and I listen.

(You can't out exercise bad eating. No matter how hard you try.) 

How do you start exercising like you're supposed to? You just start. How do you stop eating? You just stop. How do you quit worrying about it all? You do the right things so there's nothing to worry about. 

My point is that we all go through this. This is a decision we make every day. It's normal. What you're feeling, like what I'm feeling, is normal. And it's beatable. Overcome-able. Survivable. 

One step at a time. 

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