Sunday, November 11, 2012

Best Part of the End of Vacation

Woke up this morning in my own bed. That's the good part of the end of vacation. Maybe the best part of the end of vacation. 

Unfortunately, I woke up because my knees were throbbing. 

Which means I overdid it on the running this week. The 10-ish miles I was putting in each day, coupled with the extra walking that sightseeing brings, was just too much. 

And while I thought running on sand would soften the literal and figurative blows, I think I was wrong. The sand does seem like it would provide a squishier surface than the road, but the constant changing of the sand might have offset the benefits. 

For the past two days, the tide was higher, forcing me to run through deeper, more uneven footing. In some spots, I was on a steep sideways incline. 

Then, like an idiot, I also walked to the grocery store in flip flops and carried home two liter bottles of soda and a 6-pack of beer. And my two "rest" days weren't really rest days. They included three miles of walking. Duh. 

So I'm going to pay. Good thing the Y is open. 

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