Wednesday, November 28, 2012

CC Confessional

As a card-carrying Lutheran, I've never actually been in a Confessional. (I'm resisting the urge to say "confessional booth" because I think that's redundant?) But I view this post as the psychological equivalent.

I tried on three pair of pants from last winter season this morning and none of them fit.

None. Zero. Zip.


I could tell you about the fear and the shame that engulfed me. (It did.) Or I could tell you about the pity party I had for myself all day. (It was spectacular.) Or I could tell you how pissed off I am at myself for letting this happen. (You have no idea.)

But I'm not sure any of that matters.

Instead I'm going to tell you what I chose to do about it.

I rode my bike this morning. I ate responsibly. I stole a Peppermint Patty from the HR guy's office. I swam this afternoon. I drank too much Coke Zero. And I told someone I trust about a new fitness goal, so he can help me get there AND hold me to it.

And, I told you the truth. Big surprise. Life isn't always sunshine, rainbows and unicorns.

I'm not sure what the exercise equivalent is of "Hail Mary," but if you want to prescribe some sort of penance for me, go ahead.

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