Thursday, November 1, 2012

Head First

(To mimic what the cool kids say these days ...)

Truth is: I think I'm starting to enjoy swimming.

That's right. I think I kind of like it. Look forward to it, even. Me ... the slowest girl in the pool. Can you believe it?

What happened, you ask?

Well, mostly I think I just started to feel like I know what I'm doing. I got comfortable with the Y. I got comfortable with the routine I developed in the water.

And most of all, I started to feel like I COULD do it. Like I knew what the hell I was doing.

It reminded me of how I felt when I figured out how the gears on my bike worked. Or when I ran three miles in a row the first time.

It's the feeling of, "Yeah, I got this."

My point, of course, is that sometimes it takes a while to decide what you like. You probably tell your kids a version of this concept when you're making them try new vegetables. It just takes a little time to find your groove.

Any new habit takes a little time to take root. So give a new exercise time. Give yourself a chance to form a complete, well-rounded opinion.

You just might surprise yourself.

P.S. If I'm being totally honest, one of my favorite parts of going to the pool is the fact that it's WARM in there! I spend my days in the meat locker that is my office and it's just nice to get heated all the way through. I mentioned the hot tub, right?

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