I must be doing something wrong.
I finished my half last spring and felt pretty good. Training wasn't as tough as I thought it would be. I took a week off and thought I'd hit it again.
And life hasn't been the same since.
I spent the summer battling freaking bursitis. I waited too long to go to the doctor thinking the pain would go away with rest. Once I finally did go, I followed doctor's orders and tried PT first. By the time I got the cortisone shot, the summer was over. But it worked. My hip felt good.
The biking and swimming I was doing to give my joints a break seemed like a good idea. But they just were not as enjoyable or as effective as running. They helped me burn calories and stay sane, but they didn't make me happy in the way running did.
So I started slowly, gradually building my miles up. I was trying to be smart. I didn't want to risk not running again. I made sure my form was good. I made sure I only added 10% a week. I was faithful to my PT exercises. I continued swimming and biking to give my joints a rest.
And I felt really good by the time we went on vacation in November. I ran a lot. Six miles a day. By mid-week, my knees started to hurt. So I backed off again. My "bad" knee, the left one, responded well and was ready to go. The right one, however, had other plans. It was killing me. It was wake-me-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night pain. FML.
So I took last week off from running. I medicated with inflammation reducing OTC meds. I stretched. I slept. And by Friday, I felt really good. No pain when I stood up. So I walked 3.5 miles on the treadmill.
And, yup. Pain is back.
I'm so pissed I can't tell you.
Am I being a wuss? Is my head playing tricks on me because I don't "want" to exercise? Should I just suck it up? I don't go to the doctor. Ever. And I've been there more in the past year than I have in the past decade.
Am I going to be able to do this long term? Do I have to give up running? Am I being dramatic? How do you know when it's a "real" issue? I hate feeling like I'm not strong enough to grin and bear the pain. I hate feeling like a complainer. I hate limping to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Every single person I know who runs says their knees hurt. How do you know if what you feel is a real problem or one you just have to tough out?
My knees don't hurt when I run but I don't run very fast or anywhere as much as you do. Beyond that... since I started running I've had more injuries than ever before. Bursitis in my hip, IT band syndrome, plantar fascaitis. More inflammation in my foot. So I feel you. And I know GAF is in the same situation. I always say I never got injured sitting on the couch. But on the same note I never enjoyed shopping, felt comfortable on a crowd or got hit on at the bar. I don't think you're whimping out or complaining too much. I wish I knew a secret cure but I'm in the same boat. Guess we are both up a creek without a paddle someday. -amber
I just had this coversation with Rob today. Friday morning I hurt my foot running....feels like a pulled muscle. Hurts to put any pressure on it....and I have a 5k Saturday....great timing! And I still fight pain on the outside of my foot. No answer from Podiatrist, regular Dr or Chiro. Rob said....maybe you just shouldn't run....not an option in my book. So I totally get it....It feels like our bodies say don't do it....but yet our bodies need the exercise to be healthier. And I feel so much better after I exercise....more energy, less stressed, etc.....but the injury part sure is frustrating!!
How about a Sports Med appt? Write your questions down before you go and fire them at him/her.
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