Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dog Years, Dysplasia and Me

I've been walking in the mornings for the past week. Gleefully, happily, enthusiastically walking. And I've had a partner.

Her name is Blue and we have actually been a team in the past. When we lived in town, she and I would hit the sidewalks periodically for two miles or so. 

In this most recent weight loss journey, Blue has been riding shotgun in her own way. In the early days, she'd accompany me on my trek to the basement as I hit the treadmill most mornings. She'd eventually get tired of waiting for me and go back upstairs, but she was there.

I did not take her with me when I started running because I couldn't have the diversion. I know she was disappointed.

Which has made this walking rehab kind of fun. We've discovered a new kinship, she and I. As it turns out, we've got a lot in common. 

Namely that we're both old bitches with hip trouble. 

This morning, I didn't take her with me. And I know she was disappointed. Probably a little ticked off. But yesterday I could tell that my second quarter-mile run was too much for her. She fell off pace to the end of the leash and was struggling to stay with me. 

So, perhaps selfishly, I left her inside today. And I did two slightly-more-than-quarter-mile bursts. 

Because fate always wins ... my hip is killing me tonight. I shouldn't have run so far. 

Had I listened to my dog, I wouldn't have.  

Morale of the story? Don't mess with a bitch with hip trouble.

1 comment:

HR GIRL said...

Oh beautiful Blue you are so gorgeous!