Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Difference Between Darkness and Dawn

Get ready for a big, ol' methaphor here! (It's been a while since I gave you one. Remember these? I'm Liking This Bike Thing and Bike Metaphors, The Sequel)

This morning my alarm went off at 5:03 a.m. My intent was to get my walk in by 6 a.m. so I could be showered and ready by 7 a.m. and to work by 7:30-ish. I rolled over, looked outside and saw ...


I looked at the clock again to verify that it was indeed 5 a.m. It was. And it was dark.

Too dark to walk outside in my neighborhood. (For the record, I'm not afraid of people. Most scary people are sleeping at 5 a.m. I'm a bit frightened of the wild animals that could be roaming around, though.)

So I got dressed, and plunked back in my bed for "just 15 more minutes" of shut eye.

And guess what?

By the time I got my 15 minutes, got up again, let the dog out, put my shoes on, grabbed my phone, and put a leash on Ms. Blue ...

The sun was up.

In fact, it was sort of way up above the horizon. In other words, I missed the sunrise I was shooting for.

Ready for the metaphor?

When you think it's dark, it's not. At least, it's not for long. And if you shut your eyes for even a second, you might miss the coming of the light. Because the light always comes.

The light always comes.

YOUR light, the best version of you, is inside. Let it shine.

Don't miss it.


HR Girl said...

Wow....I can stop reading Tony Robbins! It's all right here at C C!

Anonymous said...

FYI I'm feeling a little like this today....

Red grapes from Woodman's mmmmmmmmmm~Amber