Monday, August 27, 2012

Declaring This Publicly

I am done eating for the night.

Why am I declaring this publicly? Because I have to.

You see, I have fallen into a very bad habit of snacking too much. Snacking too late. And I have to put a stop to it.

So tonight, I'm done.

I have eaten a decent dinner (taco-ish salad with leftover pinto beans, chicken, salsa and guac, plus assorted raw veg). I have eaten a handful of my beloved pretzels AND a good grab of reduced fat potato chips. And I have eaten some watermelon.

Really, that's enough. I'm done.

I'm going to lift some weights and read a book and try to not think about eating.

It's going to be a long night.

(Moral of the story? Sometimes we all need a little help on this journey. Talk to your spouse. Or your sister. Or the CC crew. We're here to support you if you feel the need to declare a goal publicly. Sometimes just having someone else knowing what's going on and giving you a little bit of "You can do it!" helps. )

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