Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday and Happy New Us

It's officially been one year since this whole thing began.

And what a long, strange year it's been, as they say.

Kati turned 23 yesterday. Last year, we had her birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse, one of her favorites. She got to ride the saddle as the wait staff sang (much to her chagrin) and Jim and I tried to eat according to this brand new thing called a Mediterranean diet. Jim ate a small steak. I had grilled shrimp and green beans and off we went.

In the year since, I lost 89 pounds. Jim lost 45.

In that year, I tore my meniscus. (And just yesterday, Jim smashed his index finger.)

In that year, we learned to eat. I estimate we peeled and cut up approximately 50 honeydew melons, another 50 cantaloupes and devoured at least 100 pounds of red seedless grapes, 100 pounds of carrots and another 40 pounds of cauliflower.

In that year, I walked over 1000 miles on my treadmill. And though I can only bench press 30 pounds, I have done it about 2000 times.

My body has changed. My brain has changed. My outlook has changed.

So last night, as we celebrated Kati's special day with Tilley's pizza and a marble cake with butter cream frosting, I ATE IT ALL.

Perhaps best of all, I ate it from a new pair of size 6 jeans.

Life is good.


HR Girl said...

My body has changed. My brain has changed. My outlook has changed.
Perhaps best of all, I ate it from a new pair of size 6 jeans.

Those two sentences say so much and I could not be prouder and happier for you! Anyone who knows you knew you would do it – you are too determined and stubborn 
The size 6 jeans really rocks!!!!!!! (not that size matters, right?)

Miss Daisy said...

Thank you, HR Girl. And you're right. It's not about size. It's about being good to you. We all deserve to feel good about ourselves. And if I can do this, ANYONE can do this.

As such, I think I'm done talking about sizes, too. If you want to lose weight, do it to feel better. The size thing will happen all on its own.