Thursday, March 31, 2011

Unexpected Benefit of Being Thinner #13

My feet are smaller. And so are my fingers. And by smaller, I mean thinner I guess.

My feet are wide to start with. And I used to have to buy size 8 shoes to accommodate them when I couldn't get a wide width. Today I bought a normal 7-1/2 and a 7.

As for the fingers ... my engagement ring has been too big since late last summer. My wedding band was smaller and I moved it from my left ring finger to my left middle finger when I could no longer safely keep it on. But I felt funny not wearing a wedding ring at all, and dug a simple gold band out of my jewelry box to put there.

After a few more pounds disappeared, I had to move the wedding band from my left middle finger to the right ring finger.

And now, all these months later, my wedding band is on my right middle finger. The gold band is on my left  middle finger. My engagement ring is in the jewelry box.

And my left ring finger is bare naked.

I keep hoping Jim will notice and/or care and bring home a bigger diamond to show off my skinnier left ring finger. But so far, no luck. Guess that means I'll just have to go get them all re-sized pretty soon.


HR Girl said...

Please deliver to Jim...
Hello Jim - You need to take Lisa's rings and have one nice ring made....her thin, slender finger needs to be sporting something shiny and purdy (spelled this way on purpose).

Miss Daisy said...

Jim says, "Thanks for the photo from the Sundance catalog. But why would anyone buy a diamond when I still need a Harley and a snowmobile and a new truck and a bigger tractor and ..."