Friday, January 20, 2012

Experiment Week

As of last Sunday, I was up about 6 lbs. from my normal. I ran four miles in the morning, ate chips, snacks, pizza and ceviche at the unexpectedly dismal Packer party and went home to bed.

Monday I woke up and felt like I'd been hit by a truck.

Congested, hacking, headache, tired and ornery. And it got worse as the week went on, not better.

My exercise for the week amounted to one early morning walk of three miles, one morning weight session and an after-work one.

That's it.

I also ate pretty clean. Lots of fresh fruit and veg, loading up on the Vitamin C. Lots of protein -- nuts and dairy and eggs.

And, at the end of the week, I'd lost four pounds. And though I'm not completely better, I am pretty sure I'm going to live.

Part of that is just me settling back into my normal self after the holidays and travelling. Part of it proves that eating right matters most and your body can take a week off without the whole world caving in.

And I think it also helps prove that strength training vs. all cardio thing we talked about earlier.

I am kind of looking forward to hitting the treadmill tomorrow morning. (I'm guessing that running outside might not be such a great idea!)


GaryAllanFan said...

Get some Yak Trax and you can run outside!

Miss Daisy said...

Once the plow goes through, you're probably right! Oh, and once we get Jim's truck dug out. It's NEAR his regular parking space, but couldn't make it all the way IN his regular parking space before the hill and lack of traction got the better of the big rig.