Monday, January 9, 2012

Guest Blogger/FXB Week 1


You know when you get a bruise and it hurts to touch that part of your body, but you do and then you feel the uncomfortable pain?  Yeah, that’s how my whole body feels…

My husband and I are doing a 10-week session at Farrell’s Extreme Body Shaping (going forward it will be referred to as FXB). 
We will be attending 45-50 minute classes, six days a week. Monday through Friday we arrive at 5 a.m. with a 5:15 start. On Saturdays, we don’t start until 7 a.m., so I get to sleep in a wee bit.
Let me say ... FXB is like nothing I have ever done before. And by that I mean, I haven’t done kickboxing and I have to say it is exhilarating!  You feel very cool and empowered when you are wrapping your hands with the wraps (there is a particular way to do it and I must have wrapped and re-wrapped my left hand three times) and then when it is time to put on the gloves, you do feel like Rocky, not gonna kid ya.  If not Rocky, then Dolph Lundgren  - Drago in Rocky IV.  “I Must Break You.”  Okay, so I did really like that Rocky – the others, hmm, not so much.  But I digress.

So, at 5:15 this morning, we hit it hard from the start. After 15 minutes I wondered why the instructor was sweating bullets and I wasn't. Maybe I wasn't working hard enough? But then I looked in the mirror and my whole head and shirt were drenched.  I didn’t even realize because I was trying so hard to learn the moves.  That was just the warm up!!!

I made it through the whole class and I was actually smiling when I walked out.  Tomorrow is bands and weighted balls and bars and they say it will be harder and much more intense.  I say, "Bring it on." I don’t need these arms to type and work. Much.

The most difficult thing in the upcoming 10 weeks is going to be the eating.  We need to eat six times a day and make sure we are balancing our carbohydrates and proteins – basically eating very clean.  Throw in drinking 10 cups of water above and beyond what we consume during the training and you can imagine my trips to the bathroom.  One day a week is what they call “fun day” where you can eat what you want and drink what you want, although they do say alcohol will slow your progress down considerably.

I set out on this journey with a goal of getting back into consistent exercise and eating better which, if done correctly, should also help shed some pounds. They shared the stat that women only lose 5-7 pounds on average, but the change should come with inches lost.

Buckle up,

HR (sore) GIRL

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