Monday, January 16, 2012

Guest Blogger/FXB End of Week 1

Here's the new post from our CC Friend HRGirl, about her first full week at Farrell's eXtreme Bodyshaping in Madison.

The first week is in the books…….

Here’s what I know after six intense, challenging workouts and six days of eating clean six times a day. 
  • Water is critical for recovery and when I don’t get the recommended 100 ounces consumed, I definitely feel it in the next morning’s workout.
  • I am much more alert eating six times throughout the day and again the water really helps. Prior to this, I was drinking diet coke pretty much all day, working through most lunches and depending on when I got home at night, eating something carby (my word) or not at all.
  • I can do a lot more than I thought I could do and each session I push myself that much more and I am better for it.
  • I have always been a morning person, but not everyone is…lady in the purple wraps asked me not be so cheery at 5:00am. To that I say “Go stand somewhere else, because I am cheery dammit.”
  • I am looking forward to perfecting my roundhouse kick, because it is hard and it looks cool.

Go get'em, HR Girl!

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