Saturday, January 7, 2012

Scale Math

My hotel bathroom has a scale.

The scale, without me standing on it, reads 10 lbs. So, my assumption is that whatever number it lands on I can subtract 10 lbs. from it to get my real weight.

The best part? When I step on it, it reads about 2 lbs. less than my average normal.

So here's my math, let's see if you agree: Two pounds under normal, minus 10 lbs. equals really good territory.

Of course, we both know that's not right. But I'm considering taking the scale with me. There's a little sign by the fluffy robe that says they'll charge me if it's missing. Wonder if they'll even notice the scale is gone?

P.S. Checked out of hotel yesterday afternoon. Left the scale there. And I stayed last night at an EVEN BETTER resort ... Casa de AZLeeeeener, my bestie's house for a quick weekend visit before heading back home. This morning, my breakfast consisted of oranges picked right off her backyard tree. What could be better than that?

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