Sunday, April 29, 2012

Head Games

Part of my taper is more, shorter runs than usual. Yesterday's plan was an easy five miles and today, an easy six.

Yesterday's weather kept this wuss indoors on the treadmill. And, let me tell you, it was sheer torture. I ended up walking about a mile during the five. I was convinced that I was too tired, the incline was too much, the speed was too fast ... I hated every blessed step. I punished myself for that thinking (and the walking) by cranking up the speed on the last mile.

I finished, but it wasn't pretty.

Today, after a busy day, a late night, and pizza (gasp!), I set out for the six miler--outside--with a dreadful outlook.

And it was a piece of cake. In fact, I shaved a full minute off my mile-average time from yesterday. With no issues. No worries. Best of all, had my jam-packed day allowed more time, I felt like I easily could have gone farther.

How is that possible?

Your brain is the HARDEST muscle to train. It will talk you into quitting when your body doesn't need to and it will talk you out of going farther or faster when you body is absolutely capable.

Believe it. Believe in you.

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