Friday, April 27, 2012

Taper Week

Thus starts the taper.

The taper is the week before the big race where you're feeding your body good stuff and letting it mostly rest in preparation for race day.

I've read a few different training plans and versions of taper week. Mine started sort of by necessity because of my travel schedule. This week is going to focus on:

Good sleep
Ample complex carbohydrates and clean protein/vegetables
More water than usual
Stress avoidance
Race visualization

These last two are going to be the most difficult. I have a very busy work week and I'm horribly worried about the logistics of the race. Where to park? How will I find my cheering crew (Jim!) in the crowd? Where am I going to shower? What if I just feel like crap on race day? How early do I have to wake up?

And then there's the bridge.

We run across a big bridge. HRGirl has informed me that it's a steel grate deck. I hate bridges in a car. I hold my breath. I don't want to see the water under my feet.

But I'm going to spend my downtime watching my feet fly over that steel grate.

Buckle up kids. Here we go!


Anonymous said...

Where is the race? I say get up early, eat something so it has time to breakdown and give you oodles of energy and no nasty running induced side effects :) -Amber

Miss Daisy said...

Hey Amber ... I'm racing in LaCrosse next Sunday. Looking forward to a week of good sleep and healthy eating. But mostly the good sleep! At HOME. In my own bed.