Thursday, April 5, 2012

Newly Brave

I have to go on a work trip by myself next week that's not a trade show.

It's an event hosted by one of my suppliers for all of their distributors, and includes a networking/reception/cocktails kind of deal and a round of golf.

The old me would have been terrified. But the new me is a little less scared.

You see, I am A-OK working a trade show all by myself. Talking "at" people as if I'm on stage is completely comfortable for me. In the booth, I'm a performer and there's not really one-on-one interaction. I don't have to get personal in any way.

But walking into a room full of people I don't know where I'll have to make chit chat and eat gives me palpitations. And good Lord, spending hours on a golf course with three strangers scares me to death.

Old me would have worried about what everyone was thinking about me or saying about the size of my butt, afraid they were snickering to each other when I was not looking. Old me would have worried about my thighs rubbing together and fat-girl sweat. Old me would have assumed people were passing judgement on me.

New me no longer has those same fears and insecurities. (Nor the same thighs.) Well, that's not true. Those feelings are still there, but they just aren't as bad. The fear that I'll be the biggest woman at the event is gone.

Now all I have to worry about is what a truly awful golfer I am. That's going to be embarrassing no matter what.

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