Saturday, April 7, 2012


Ten done. I think I have enough left inside to do 11. But I'm not so sure after that. Four weeks to go.

I keep trying to remember that one-legged, blind, 80-year old man who will be there on race day telling me to buck up.

Heaven help me.


GaryAllanFan said...

You have it in you! What's a couple more miles when you've come this far?!

Miss Daisy said...

Oh, I'll find a way to crawl across the finish line if it comes to that. My lungs and my knees didn't give out ... it was my quads and my hips that got sore. But they feel OK today. Did I mention I'm taking the day AFTER the race off to get my toes done? It's the reward! Sistah's bday that day and pedicures are on tap!

Anonymous said...

Caution: after my race my toenails were sore for 2 weeks! You can do this. They say your body can handle much more than you think and theyre right. You'll see! -amber

GaryAllanFan said...

I took the toenail polish off my toes last night that I had on for the some touch up coats. And just as I expected....2 bruised (black) toenails. I had heard this could happen. My toes were sore for more than a week after the race. I hope I don't lose them...not too cute with sandals!

Miss Daisy said...

I have heard all this, too. But I don't get it exactly. If I'm not sore/bruising now, why will I after the race? I guess if nothing else, they'll look awesome when they fall off. (And, BTW, you all know how I feel about feet. Having my toe nails fall off would gross me out so much I couldn't leave my house. I'd have to cut my feet off and start over with prosthetics.)

GaryAllanFan said...

I don't get it either. I never had any issues during training.....weird.

Miss Daisy said...

Jeff Galloway knows why! Hot weather and running faster or farther than you're accustomed to will do it.