Monday, April 16, 2012

I Accidentally Ran 12.65 Saturday

It was "long run" day Saturday. My busy travel week had afforded only one, 5-mile workout on Tuesday, which meant I had a small conundrum on my hands. The mish-mash of training plans I'm loosely following didn't line up with the week I'd had, nor the time I had left before the race.

So my plan was to run long, but not too long, as long as everything felt good. If anything didn't feel good, I was just going to stop and walk. Max: 11.5.

I set off and everything felt pretty good for the most part. Miles 5, 6 and 7 came pretty easy. At the 8 mark, I was just about home and had what I thought was a 3.5 mile loop to go if I chose. So I ran past the house and continued on.

I walked up two short hills, for a total of about .25 miles ... mostly because I let my head talk me into it. Physically, I was feeling all right. I gave my head a few problems to work through to make the time go faster: Can I carry enough water or do I need to use the water stations on the course? (Will need a couple water station stops.) How many of the gummy energy candy things should I use and when should I take them? (Two at mile 4, two at mile 8.) Where is my life going and how will I know if all of this is right? (Still working on that one!)

So imagine my surprise when I found myself on the last downhill toward my driveway.

I came in and mapped my run (at and learned I'd gone 12.65 miles.

Which means another half mile would put me at the 13.1 I'll need for race day and I think that's doable.

I'm stiff today. My knee was really swollen inside and hurting Sunday, but felt much better today. I wore flats to work just in case and I don't think I damaged anything. Ice and ibuprofen to be on the safe side.

Makes me wonder how far I could go with a good knee. Also makes me confident this distance is the longest I'm going to try. I'm starting to resent the training and wishing I could just go run 6 and be done.

It's enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go! So impressed!! And yes.13.1 is plenty. I have no interest in a full, tri, ultra ect! Hope the knee feels better!-Amber