Monday, July 15, 2013

Sometimes It's Better to Not Know

Saturday night, I plotted my route.

I knew I needed to go 20 miles away from my house to make a 40-mile round trip. Last week, I did big, 11-mile concentric circles around my neighborhood and my brain needed something different this week.

So I pulled up the Map My Run website and started with my to-work commute. Then I added a big 10-ish mile country block on to it and ended up with a 42-mile route.

The website doesn't tell me how hilly the road is. Nor does it tell my how many cars are on it. Nor the speed limit. Nor if the shoulders are paved or not.

And it's probably a good thing.

Because the route I picked was hilly. Really hilly. Really, really hilly.

At every turn, I saw another one. But there I was. Fifteen to 20 miles from home. I had no option ... had to keep going. (And swear. Out loud. But that's allowed.)

So keep going I did.

And then once I got back into familiar territory, I made a few adjustments to avoid a particularly long hill. (That's also totally legal, by the way.)

In the end, I'm glad I didn't know beforehand how hilly it was going to be. I probably would have wussed out and chosen an easier route.

Which means I would have denied myself this feeling of super hero awesomeness. We all need a little awesomeness, don't we?

Wish I had a cape. A fluorescent one. So I could wear it while I ride.

P.S. The truth is my last-minute re-route shaved a bit off of my overall mileage, too. There's almost always a difference between the Map My Run website (where I plan) and the ap on my phone (that clocks me on the ride). The site always seems to measure a little longer. Knowing this, I added a small detour at the very end of my trip to cruise past my in-laws house and inspect the landscaping project my husband and kid did Saturday night. I think it looked pretty good. But I was so tired at that point, I really didn't see it. Don't tell them. I SAID it looked great.

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