Friday, May 6, 2011

GUEST BLOGGER! What I Know for Sure

Our friend HR Girl is filling the desk today while I'm on a mini vaca. How cool is that?

(And sorry for the late posting. But the site of my mini vaca includes a teenager with a final project due for school. Said teenager was up all night completing final project. And, as you know, life comes before my blog obsession!)

As a nod to our girl Oprah, here is what “I Know For Sure…..”

1. Eating good, nutritious food always makes me feel better.

2. When you first realize that you have 5 or 10 pounds to lose and it affects you, do something about it right then and there. Ignore your friends and family that say you look great. You know your body, you do.

3. When I work out in the morning, I am consistent and consistency is the key to long term habits and changes ... find your own way to be consistent and do it for you.

4. Black is slimming to a point, but if you are fat and out of shape no color will change that. Really.

5. Exercise – I love it though I hate it. Before I was overweight, I definitely needed to work out for my sanity. It was part of what I did for myself, part of clearing my head, being organized; it was part of feeling like I was in control of my life.

6. Exercise #2 – Prior to being overweight, exercise was actually something I looked forward to and always found time in my day – always! Now, it feels like just another task on an already full “to do list.” I need to change my thinking and figure out a way to love it again.

7. At some point in my 30’s I decided that I wasn’t a priority, my health and well-being shouldn’t be at the top of the list. Reading what I just wrote seems ridiculous in print. What could be more important?

8. I need to find my way and get myself back on track so I can get back to living my life without limits.

9. I know that I am a “all or nothing” type of person when it comes to exercise and eating right and according to my sister I can be that way with other things (we can always count on our sisters to give it to us straight, can’t we). It really is okay to not be perfect one day, one meal, or one workout sessions and then get right back to it. Failure/mistakes are fine, quitting or maybe better stated “giving up on you” isn’t an option.

10. Miss Daisy has been an inspiration for so many of us and she has told us many time if she can do this (eating right and exercising) we can all do it….so let’s say we all prove her right!!!! ( I will let you in on a secret – she likes to be right!)

And to ALL that, Miss Daisy says, "Amen, Sistah." And she says, "Thank you for this awesome post."


SusieG said...

Love this post! And LOL at number 4!!!

Miss Daisy said...

HR Girl, THANK YOU for helping me out! You're welcome back any time. And if anyone else has something to say ... just let me know! Email me at