Monday, May 16, 2011

Updates 5.16.11

Well, the trip to the finish line of our last 10 pounds is proving more difficult than anticipated. The truth is we've both gotten lazy on the eating (as evidenced by my past few posts).

Jim has 8 to go. I have 6.

Here's where my activity level stands as of today. :
Cardio: Walking a minimum of 4 miles at least 5 days a week. On the remaining two days, I try to walk 5 and 6 miles respectively. Maybe once every two weeks, I'll skip a day and just do weight training. I'm at a 4.0 incline. I start at 3.5 and make my way to 4.3 in a quarter mile warm-up. Then I do a half mile at. 4.3, 4.6, 4.8, 5.0 and 5.2. Then I do a breathless quarter-mile at 5.4, followed by quarter miles at 5.2, 5.0 and a half-mile at 4.8. That puts me at 4.0 miles and I wrap it up with a quarter-mile cool down. I shake this pattern up frequently, though, to keep my brain and muscles guessing.

Strength: 2- or 3-lb. handweights doing an assortment of triceps/biceps/shoulder lifts until "failure" ... usually about 50 reps, twice a week.

Wildcard: Once a week, I try to throw in something different. Can be as lame as getting the garbage cans in and carrying them vs. rolling them back up our quarter-mile drive or simply helping Jim carry drywall to the basement. Or it can be sit-ups or leg lifts or Wii or whatever.

Jim mows the lawn, finishes the basement, builds chicken coops and doesn't sit still.

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