Sunday, May 15, 2011

Suck It Up

My apologies for the post last night.

I got caught in my own head and let it come out my fingers.

Here's what I hope you were thinking when you read it:

Suck it up, Buttercup. So you had one bad day. Do you not remember what you wrote last week about how "you gotta want it" and you just have to put your mind to it and do it? What about all those posts about making bad choices and then getting back on the horse the next day?

Practice what you preach, dawg.

Then, PUT A SOCK IN IT because we're tired of you whining about a "bad day" when a bad day includes too many pretzels and too many grapes.

And you'd be right to say all of those things.

Sometimes I think I am being helpful by sharing the ways I struggle, lest someone think that since I'm at the "end" of my weight loss adventure that it's all of a sudden easier. And then sometimes I think I should be a better example by only being a cheerleader and encouraging, not dwelling on me and my failures. 

Truth is I'm just me, good and bad ... and taking my own advice today by shutting up, eating right and getting over it already.


HR Girl said...

I started a comment in my head to last night's post, but it didn't sound as bad as you wrote in today' went something like this.
Thanks Miss Daisy for being real and for letting us see the not so perfect side of your journey and that you are human and that you now can quickly identify your slips and that withing a matter of 12 hours you have pulled up your boots and jumped back on the horse and you are back on the right path.

Miss Daisy said...

Thanks, HR Girl. We all do the best we can, right?

marthamac said...

I couldn't agree more with HR Girl. I actually found it reassuring that I'm not the only one who over-eats pizza and feels guilty about it...and feels out of control when such an event happens.
I'm glad you helps us see that although you're at the end of your weight loss part of this journey, it's a life-long journey that we will all need to continue to follow. was just one was a better day, I'm sure!

SusieG said...

Helped me as well as we all have those moments. I also struggle with opening up the pandora box of snacks as it is hard to stop snack-a-lackin'....I love these posts and the fact that you are "sucking it up" :) is what makes you such an inspiration. You are still on track!!!! And it encourages me to stay on track :) Thank you!!!

Miss Daisy said...

I wish I was snack-a-LACKIN ... or at least lacking the snacking! What becomes really clear to me is that eating at home and not buying the bad stuff is more important than I thought.

And now I'm thinking about pizza! LOL. Maybe on a whole wheat pita?

Carry on, ladies. And thank you for helping me work through this.