Monday, May 23, 2011


Why is it that when I eat badly, I think that piling some healthy things on top of it will cancel it out?

Sunday I ate "two with" from Pete's Hamburgers in Prairie du Chien for lunch. That's two hamburgers with onions for the uninitiated, from the BEST hamburger stand in all the world. And then I ate a bag of cheese and caramel popcorn as big as my head on the way home.

It was dinnertime when we returned to Casa Sympson and I told Jim I wasn't making dinner ... that we'd eaten more than enough for the day. And then I proceeded to polish off some carrots and dip, followed by grapes.

As if ending the day with something healthy makes everything I ate beforehand somehow OK.

Logical, right?


HR Girl said...

I just have to ask...are Pete's better than Wedl's in Jefferson. (use to be Armstrong's)

Amber said...

Mmmmm Pete's burgers! Jealous!

Miss Daisy said...

HR Girl: In my opinion, Pete's are better than Wedl's/Armstrongs, but TOTALLY different. Wedl's are more like Lake Mills Legion burgers, I think. Roadtrip? Remind me sometime to tell you about a nice memory I have of Armstrong's that reminds me of someone you know.

Amber: You know Pete's? We need to talk!