Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Some Days, You Can't Win ... But You Can Outlast


Over the past weekend, between Saturday morning and Monday at 7 a.m., I walked approximately 19 miles. That's 19 freaking miles. And I'm not counting the incidental going to the mall, getting the mail, everyday living. It was actual time spent on the treadmill or on a trail.

So you'd think that the scale would have been in good shape Monday morning, right? Wrong.

I had "gained" two pounds since Saturday's daybreak weigh-in.


What does a girl have to do to lose a pound? What does a girl have to do to at least stay even? It can be so dang frustrating sometimes, can't it?

 The truth is, I didn't eat that great. I used that extra exercise as an excuse to sneak a bite here and a bite there. And doing so messed with mathematical equation of calories in and calories burned. I know I haven't really "gained" two pounds. But my body is trying to figure out what the hell all that activity, both exercise and eating, was.

I hopped back on the horse Monday. Veg for lunch. Salad for dinner. (And a few midget Tootsie Rolls in between.) Tuesday brought more veg for lunch, some popcorn, and then grilled tuna steaks and steamed broccoli for dinner.

This morning I was back down those two pounds. Which puts me 4 pounds into my last 10 pounds goal.

It's just one of those things. Perseverance is the key.

The scale will be better tomorrow. I hope.

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