Sunday, January 9, 2011

Planning a Rendezvous

I have to go out of town for work this week. And I'm trying to figure out how I'll get my exercise in while I'm at a hotel.

Pathetic, isn't it? I should be planning how I'll find some great restaurant. Or how I'll make time for a stop at the outlet mall. But nooooo ... I'm worried about how/when/if I can accomplish some sort of workout.

Remember ... my last attempt at working out in a hotel didn't turn out so well.

The good news is I only have to go to Chicago. My meetings are from 8-5 on Wednesday and 8-noon on Thursday. In theory, I could sleep at home, make the two hour drive in and forgo the hotel altogether.

But to maintain my a.m. walk, that would mean getting up at 4 a.m., treadmilling until 5-ish. Shower, get ready and leave by 6 a.m. to be there in time. Provided there's no traffic. Two days in a row of that might really stink.

So, a hotel is probably a necessity. Here are my options:
  • I could skip Wednesday a.m. workout at home, stay overnight Wednesday night and then use the hotel treadmill on Thursday a.m.
  • Or, I could go down Tuesday night, and then use the hotel facilities both Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

The thing I don't like about option two is that, because there will be coworkers in town for the same meeting and staying at the hotel, I run the risk of bumping into them on my way to or from the fitness center. Heaven forbid ANYONE see me in my workout clothes in the elevator or in the fitness center itself.

Pretty sure I'm not ready to show them my not-so-adorable-a.m.-self-with-Medusa-hair.

Maybe I should just don a pair of sunglasses like the Hollywood starlets in hopes that no one will recognize me as I sweat.

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