Monday, January 10, 2011

Wisdom Overheard

As perhaps you can imagine by the many posts on this blog, I like talking about my new self. I know that sounds horribly self-absorbed, but I don't like it for the reasons you might think. I like talking about Lisa 2.0 because it forces me to face reality and holds me accountable to my new ways. I can't very well be pontificating about eating healthier and exercising more as I stuff Ding Dongs in my face behind closed doors, you know what I mean?

But perhaps we've all had enough of me for a while. So here's a list of tips, tricks and insight from others I've been talking to and listening to.

1. Exercise doesn't have to involve a gym membership. Walking around the parking lot or through your workplace during lunch hour burns calories just like the treadmill does. Taking the stairs a few times a week counts. In the summer, adding an extra hill or doing the courthouse steps all work.
2. Eating better starts with thinking better.
3. Heard a guy on the radio today ( or something like that) and he said working out one hour per day, six days per week should be your maximum.
4. Same guy said to strengthen your core, do planks. Hold for as long as you can, increasing duration and repetitions as you get stronger. To do a plank, lie on your belly on the floor. Push up on your toes and put your weight on your forearms. Sort of like a push up, but not pushing up.
5. You get blisters on your feet from bad socks more often than bad shoes. Keep socks thin and poly/cotton blend.
6. Sleep is as important as exercise.
7. Interval training (speeding up and slowing down) is the only way to fly.
8. Do cardio and weights/core strengthening ... never just one or the other.
9. Wii Just Dance 2 has couples competition!
10. Is corn considered a carb? Are peas? How many can you have in a day? The truth is no one ever got fat from eating too much corn or too many peas.
11. The second bite of something sinful doesn't taste any different from or better than the first.
12. Drinking calories (full-sugar soda or juice or alcohol) isn't how I want to spend my daily allotment. Though every once in a while the alcohol is a nice treat!
13. If you just leave 10% of everything you're served on your plate, you save the equivalent of a zillion calories a year, which means a whole bunch of pounds.
14. Little changes add up. Eat one cookie instead of two. Park farther away from the store. March around your house while you clean. You get the idea.
15. You gotta move to lose.

And, last but not least ...
16. It's up to YOU.

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