Sunday, January 16, 2011

Seriously Weird

Jim and I ran errands today after church. First we had breakfast. (BTW ... Perkins now has to "healthier choices" for breakfast with calorie counts and fat content listed on the menu.) Then we went to Gander Mountain for a turkey call and Home Depot to check out ballpark pricing on some countertop and tile. Next it was off to Shopko for razor blades and aspirin.

You can imagine how much I'm enjoying this trip so far, right?

Last, but not least, it was time for Woodman's. On a Sunday afternoon.


Jim, me and 70,488 other people clattering carts on that damn tile flooring. It's like a bona fide beehive and it drives me bananas.

But there we are. We've already discussed what we'll have for dinner this week in an approximate sort of way. We start in produce and because we don't normally shop at Woodman's, I'm doing a lot of back and forth as I try to find what I need. I want an eggplant and can't locate one. I make a great buy on some portabello mushroom caps.

And then the weird happens.

Jim looks at me and says, "I know we talked about dinner for the rest of the week. But what are we having tonight?"

"I don't know," I say.

He says, "I think I'd like a salad."

Huh? The Twilight Zone's got nothin' on us.

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