Monday, December 19, 2011

Fighting the Funk

I'm going to be honest with you ...

I'm fighting the funk. Have been for a couple of weeks. I just want to eat and have been skipping out on the exercise a little.

I'm not sure what it is ... if it's because it's the holidays and hard to avoid all the extra food. Or if I'm just burned out on my workout routines. Or if I've gotten cocky because even though I've been relatively "bad," I have really only gained about four pounds. So why try harder?

But I'm struggling to drag myself out of bed each morning. I'm noshing throughout the day even when my brain is screaming, "Don't!"

In fact, I just polished off yesterday's leftover popcorn.

My head is in a weird place. I know that I know how to lose weight if I want to. So clearly I don't want to. But why?

I'm sure it's a big combination of things. Emotionally, this is a hard Christmas as it's the first one without my dad. Work is stressful. I probably am burned out on a number of fronts.

But I also know that this feeling comes and goes. Ebbs and flows. Waxes and wanes.

Remember ... this, too, shall pass.

There are weeks I just can't get enough miles in because I'm so in love with running that I can hardly stand to leave my tennis shoes. There are weeks when I eat exactly on program because I want to and because I like to.

So right now I am looking for inspiration. And trying to be patient and trust myself. GaryAllanFan and Amber are helping me find a little fire. The fact that they ran 6.5 on Sunday and I only did about 4 is working on my competitive nerve. I'm also going cold-weather running clothes shopping this week.

Shopping always makes me feel better. And it burns calories.

Hang in there. January is right around the corner.

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