Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Pants are Too Tight

The tipping point.

I've been doing a little experimenting and I think I found what I was looking for. Or not looking for, I guess.

I have learned that Friday fish fry, Saturday pizza, Sunday Christmas party snacks and holiday baking is just too much eating for one stretch of a few days.

I have learned that shorter workouts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with no workout on Monday and Tuesday is not enough for one stretch of a few days.

Did I mention alcohol, chocolate, ham roll-ups and homemade ice cream cake? Oh, and cheesy rice broccoli casserole and scalloped potatoes and ham?

This morning, the scale was up five pounds from the last time I weighed in.

And my pants were too damn tight. Uncomfortable.

So it was back on program today.

Someday I'm going to get tired of losing these same five pounds over and over again and I'll put them to rest once and for all.

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