Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blowing Up

Three days, no workout makes Miss Daisy a VERY grumpy girl.

I've been tired and busy and haven't worked out since Sunday morning when I took a brief walk on the beach, before boarding a plane to come home.

And I have been owly and out of sorts. Quick to anger. Quick to cry. Quick to get overwhelmed.

So I couldn't wait to get home tonight to hit the road.

But holy, schmoly ... the wind, she blew!

I ran a little over a mile against the gusts. Every step was a fight. In my head, each one was a punch against all the things that pissed me off today. And yesterday. And the day before.

That also meant that the second half of my run was with the wind at my back. A firm, but gentle hand pushing the small of my back to keep going.

Reminding me that I could keep going.

And I did.

It never ceases to amaze me how much better a little energy expenditure makes me feel. It smooths off the rough edges. It gives my brain room to breathe. It centers me almost instantly.

You should try it.

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